Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chapter-2: First Meeting

I was moving kinda slow at the back of the crowd, with all the depression in the world, as if I'm the Hercules carrying the world on my shoulders. I climbed the steps and opened the door to enter the cafeteria, that's it, I dunno why but the whole world seemed to stop and I'm the only one who could move, for a moment I thought I'm Peter from the show HEROES and I was excited to see if Hiro Nakamura will come from future to give me the message "SAVE THE CHEER LEADER, SAVE THE WORLD".

"WOW, I guess that was your wildest dream" I told myself and as the moment of fantasy faded, I looked around and saw a fairy moving. After looking at her I realized that its her cherubic charm that made the world to stop so that I can notice her clearly.

Trailing her with my eyes I saw her moving towards the oriental cuisine counter. "Ok, Lets have that today….. Its healthy…. ….. Oriental vegetarian, Please", I told the girl at the counter giving a sodexo coupon. I quickly collected the token and rushed towards the oriental counter. It's a live kitchen and it takes some time to deliver the order, so I was really hoping to talk to her and lucky me . I went near the counter, gave the token and stood next to her.

What to say? Where to start? I searched my memory for a line that can potentially give the best possible chance with her. To my distress I could n't find any, owing to my shortage of experience in such situations. "Better Late than Never", I motivated myself.

As I believe in "FIBI" (its not a NGO or a humanity organization, its First Impression is the Best Impression), I improvised many punch lines that can break the ice, but quickly disapproved all of them. Though my eyes stopped the world for me, actually it never did stop, otherwise I would not have written this, and you will not be reading this either. Anyway lets leave science here. All this while everyone continued their chores, so was the chef. Looking at him carry our order, I made a interrupt call to my punchLineGenerator(), and it unwind its stack before running validate(). I heard myself saying "You like Chinese, Huh?" with a tone right in between statement and question. I quickly bit my tongue for the stupid and obvious expression, but managed to hide it from her.

Laughing she said, "Hi Manoj, How are you".